Protect Your Home with the Leading Pest Control Company in Indianapolis, Indiana

When it comes to safeguarding your home from unwanted pests, choosing the right pest control company in Indianapolis, Indiana, is crucial. At AAA Exterminating, we pride ourselves on being the premier choice for homeowners and businesses seeking reliable and effective pest control solutions. Our comprehensive services, experienced technicians, and commitment to customer satisfaction set us…

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The Top 3 Ways to Get Rid of a Fruit Fly Infestation 

keep fruit flies out of your home with aaa exterminating

How do you get rid of fruit flies?  That’s the question pest control companies across the country get asked thousands of times per year, especially in the summer months when their infestations are most likely to occur.  In this blog post, AAA Exterminating, a pest control company in Indianapolis, will explore 3 of the most…

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What’s Eating My Cereal?

keep pests out of your home with these helpful tips

When there’s something creepy floating in your cereal bowl, who ya gonna call?  If you’re thinking of a pest control specialist, you might be onto something—at least when it comes to bugs and creepy crawlies that have found their way into your breakfast (or any other food).  Pests can wreak havoc on the food you…

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Get Rid of Winter Pests

see how aaa exterminating can rid your home of winter pests

As winter approaches, we tend to hunker down in our homes. We spend more time watching movies and cozying up, and less time in the great outdoors. While inside, we tend to notice more insects too… There are many reasons that insects find their way into your home in the winter. As colder temperatures arrive,…

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What’s Scarier: Halloween or Cockroaches?

protect your home from pests this fall with aaa exterminating in indianapolis in

Spooky season is creeping around the corner! Slowly but surely, leaves are changing colors, temperatures are dropping ever so slightly, and your favorite horror films are back on T.V.  It’s the perfect time to grab your Halloween decor from the attic.  After unpacking a few boxes full of fall decorations, you come across the bright…

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Don’t Let Mosquitoes Ruin Your Summer

stop mosquitos this summer with aaa exterminating a pest control company in indianapolis indiana

Mosquitoes. Nobody likes having their cookout interrupted by these uninvited guests or getting eaten alive while trying to enjoy fireworks with the family.  Over 176 species of mosquitoes live in the United States—some of the worst of them are here in Indiana. Mosquitoes aren’t just a nuisance from late April through September, but they’re also…

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