Bed Bug Control

We all know the rhyme told to us at bedtime. However, the reality of bed bugs is anything but a whimsical verse. If you find signs of a bed bug infestation, call the experts right away.

Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation in Indianapolis, IN

Bed bugs are one of the worst pests you can deal with. They’re a real nuisance: they keep you up at night, they leave red sores, they spread disease, they’re difficult to spot, and they’re almost impossible to do away with. Don’t hesitate to call AAA Exterminating as soon as you see evidence of a bed bug infestation in Indianapolis, IN.

What to Look For 

Check out our pest library to see what these bugs look like. Otherwise, these elusive pests will only leave tell-tale signs of their presence. If you’re concerned that you might have a bed bug infestation or would like to prevent this unwanted intruder from invading your home, read these tips below about how to spot an infestation of this particularly pervasive pest.

  1. Seeing the Bugs – Let’s get the obvious out of the way. These bugs are very sneaky, so if you actually catch sight of one, you may already have an infestation.
  2. Discarded Skins – Bed bugs shed their skin as a part of their life cycle. If these bugs are in your home, you’ll see their discarded skins around the area they are infesting, like mattresses, in the cracks of furniture, and littered along baseboards.
  3. Red Spots – It’s gross to consider, but there’s a reason these bugs are pests. They leave behind fecal matter as they move around, which causes little red spots to appear on mattresses, walls, baseboards, and anywhere else these little bugs wander.
  4. Blood Spots – The unpleasantness continues when remembering that bed bugs suck the blood of warm-blooded people and animals. If you find blood spots on your bedding, sheets, and pillow cases, it’s time to bring in the professionals!
  5. Red Sores – Bed bugs feed on the flesh of you and your pets during the night. As such, you may wake up with little red sores that itch like crazy! If you go to bed without sores and wake up with them, bed bugs may be to blame. Don’t wait till you spot the bugs themselves, get help right away!

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