Beech Blight Aphid

A species of aphid that feeds off of beech trees and their sap, Beech Blight aphids also are known as “boogie-woogie aphids” due to how they sway their bodies in unison when threatened. While their nickname is fun, the damage they can cause to your beech trees isn’t. While damage is typically small and isolated…

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Assassin Bug

the assassin bug is one of many to discover in the aaa exterminating indianapolis online pest library

Known for the way they brutally kill their prey with their sharp beaks, assassin bugs can render extremely painful bites to humans as well! They are typically black and red and can have orange markings as well. They can be found around North America and are common in shrubs, garden plants, and ground cover. While…

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the aaa exterminating pest library is a great resource to learn about aphids

Serious pests of agriculture and gardening, aphids feed on plant life and reproduce rapidly. Many types of pesticides do not work on aphids, and they can become hard to combat for most homeowners quickly. Some methods of control involve introducing predatory ladybugs as well as hoverflies to your property. If you have an aphid problem…

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Ant Bug

The Ant Mimic bug is a Hemiptera that looks and acts like an ant. There are many different varieties of these Hemiptera that are able to escape predators by mimicking ants. This peculiar behavior is carried out by many different creatures, such as Ant Mimic Spiders. 

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Acanaloniid Planthopper

aaa exterminating offers a few facts about the acanaloniid

More commonly called planthoppers, Acanaloniidae hold true to their name, as their most useful mode of travel is hopping from plant to plant. While they leap similar to grasshoppers, they also can walk, but they do so extremely slowly as not to attract attention from predators. Many species of planthoppers are plant-feeders, but relatively few…

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