When Will The Cicada Hiss End?

As you step outside to take your morning jog, you can’t help but notice that something is off…
Why is it so noisy?
No, seriously though.
It’s as if someone just started a chainsaw—a buzz louder than a lawnmower or a leaf blower! And as you peer closer to get a peek at where the noise is coming from, you see them scattered throughout the trees—cicadas!Â
We know…yuck! But don’t get too squeamish, because AAA Exterminating in Indianapolis, Indiana is going to tell you all you need to know about these creepy crawlies. As a pest control company with more than 65 years of experience, AAA knows a thing or two about these pests.
Where Did They Come From?
From the ground of course!
Cicadas from the Brood X generation have lived underground for 17 years, feasting on xylem from tree roots while they’ve matured and grown. After they mature, they wait until the soil reaches about 65 degrees, and then they emerge, living for a span of about 3 to 4 weeks.
Why Are They So Loud?
If you live in Indiana, chances are you’ve heard their ear-splitting sound.
Did you know that cicadas can ramp up their noise to reach up to 100 decibels??? They produce this sound in the abdomen by vibrating two membranes called tymbals. Within the abdomen is an air sac that acts like a chamber that resonates the noise louder. Only males produce this noise to attract female cicadas.
Should I Shield My Plants?

Your plants will be fine!
Not to be confused with locusts that descend on gardens and eat anything in their paths, cicadas primarily snack on tree sap, which does not harm the tree. However, cicadas can be damaging to young trees, because they lay eggs on the tips of new growths by creating slits which could cause lasting damage if the tree is not properly established.
Are Cicadas Dangerous?Â

Though they look scary with their beady red eyes and shedding exoskeletons, cicadas neither bite nor sting and are harmless to humans. In fact, cicadas can be eaten and are said to have flavors that range from shrimp to nuts. You should avoid trying cicadas if you have a shellfish allergy.
However, cicadas can be dangerous to dogs if a large amount is ingested. The exoskeletons can gather in your pooch’s stomach and be hard to digest, leading to diarrhea or vomiting. Their exoskeletons could also get stuck in your dog’s throat, causing a choking hazard! Always make sure to carefully monitor your pet if they begin sniffing around a tree that’s home to many cicadas.
Here Comes The Real Question: When Are They Leaving?
Good news, you can kiss Brood X goodbye in a couple of weeks, as they generally die at the end of June into mid-July.
Though Brood X is leaving us shortly, you may still hear the low hiss of the cicadas—so, what gives?
Brood X is known as a periodical cicada which means they only come out every 17 years. Other broods of periodical cicadas come out every 13 years.
In addition to periodical cicadas, there are also annual cicadas that come out every year. These cicadas are generally quieter and do not gather in large groups in order to avoid predators. They provide the low buzz that colors so many of our summer memories. Though these cicadas will show up every summer, we won’t have to worry about Brood X again until 2038!
What About Other Summertime Creepy Crawlies?
Though not much can be done about cicadas, that doesn’t mean you have to live with other pests like spiders, cockroaches, or wasps!
If you have an infestation in your home, call a pest control company in Indianapolis immediately before the problem worsens. AAA Exterminating provides free estimates and would be happy to help you get rid of any pests in your home. For more information, call (317) 773-3797 to get started.Â